Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gyprock Done!

Gyprock (Plastering) work started from this Monday, and surprisingly it is finished just within two days! One of our friends (who is also building in the same area) sent some pictures for us. Here are those:

Cordova Two: Garage

Cordova Two: Classic Facade Brick Stack

Entrance (showing peak of internal walls completed):
Cordova Two: Entrance (showing peak of internal walls completed)
 Right side of the house (loving the brick color):

Cordova Two: Right side of the House

Cordova Two: Garage again

Planning to visit this week-end ourselves to have a better look.

Our SS told us last week, he would like to go for 'Lock up' as soon as he can. Seems it would take maximum two/three weeks to reach there. Very happy with the progress so far!

1 comment:

  1. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article. new ceiling
