Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gyprock Done!

Gyprock (Plastering) work started from this Monday, and surprisingly it is finished just within two days! One of our friends (who is also building in the same area) sent some pictures for us. Here are those:

Cordova Two: Garage

Cordova Two: Classic Facade Brick Stack

Entrance (showing peak of internal walls completed):
Cordova Two: Entrance (showing peak of internal walls completed)
 Right side of the house (loving the brick color):

Cordova Two: Right side of the House

Cordova Two: Garage again

Planning to visit this week-end ourselves to have a better look.

Our SS told us last week, he would like to go for 'Lock up' as soon as he can. Seems it would take maximum two/three weeks to reach there. Very happy with the progress so far!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pre-lining Inspection Complete

Today we had our pre-lining inspection, met our SS for the first time. We quite liked him. He told us that our house was one of the quickest build he had ever done. Though he is hesitant to commit any timeline, but he assured that he will do his best to deliver the house before Christmas.

Now about the inspection: he walked us through the house to show all types of electrical, plumbing, gas, wall enforcement items those are usually hidden behind the walls. Everything looked fine to us, placed where it should be as per plan! Apart from the shower head location in main bathroom, we had no concerns.
The plumbing outlet where shower-head would go seems to be placed slightly closer to the wall rather than in the middle. Our SS says he will crosscheck with the plumber and get it fixed if required. Even if it is not fixed, is no big deal because shower head is adjustable anyway.

Other than that, we saw eaves work has been completed. Bricks are also cleaned, so now it reveals the real brick color of Urban One Pepper, and looks much nicer. The roof color looked a bit lighter than we expected from our color selection appointment (we would have gone for a tone darker than ColorBond Basalt if given a choice now, but that's okay)

Cordova Two: Back of the house showing Alfresco

Wall insulation work will start from tomorrow, followed by Plastering (Gyprock) from Monday onward. Materials for insulation are piled inside the garage as shown below:

Cordova Two: Garage
The door frame for the Cavity Sliding door of Home Theater is also been installed:
Cordova Two: Home Theater
Loved the quality of brickwork and the off-white ironed mortar looked fabulous:
Cordova Two Alfresco (Brick Urban One Pepper)

Cordova two: Alfresco (Water & Gas Points)

Cordova two: Service area, Aircon pipe, Surfmist eave

Somehow the picture from front of the house is very difficult to take. Here is one: The uncleaned whitish walls are those areas to be bagged and painted in Taubman's Abstract.
Cordova Two: Classic Facade Patio

Monday, August 15, 2016

Roof is ON!!! Fascia and Gutter complete!

Roof-work has been completed last week. Sarking is also installed, Fascia & Gutter work is completed as well. A week of much progress I would say!

We went for a quick visit, do not have many pictures unfortunately.

Here is a blurry picture of our Colourbond Basalt Roof along with Surfmist Fascia and Colourbond Basalt Gutter from the back of the house:

Cordova two from Back: Roof Colourbond Basalt
This roof colour should look better from the front of the house when the walls will be painted in Taubmans Abstract. A sample picture in my mind:

Roof: ColourBond Basalt 

The below picture shows the house length  from front door and side of the house respectively:
Cordova Two: Front Door and Side

As seen in the picture above, fence of our neighbor is already up, gives a pretty good idea of how much space we would have on the left side of the house. We are planning for a combination of Pebbles & Stepping stones in this side's landscaping to be visible through the windows of our open plan living. Sample picture below:

Cordova Two: Open Plan Living

Waiting eagerly for a pre-lining inspection date from our supervisor.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Brickwork Completed

Brickwork of our house has been completed last Friday. Next milestone is Roof, followed by Electrical rough-ins and Eaves. Given the roof is of Colourbond Steel should be finished early as compared to roofs where tally is used.
Also came to know from our Site Supervisor that our Pre-Lining inspection will be at the end of the month.

Here are some pictures taken by a friend (as we couldn't visit this week-end):
Cordova Two: Brickwork completed

Cordova Two: Brickwork completed

Monday, August 1, 2016

Brickwork: Dream is Taking Shape

More than 50% is completed since Brickwork has started from last week. As McDonald Jones doesn't have any display home built for Cordova Two, We know this  layout only through few documents showing floor-plans and graphic images available in MJH's Website. So it is very exciting to see it taking shape through different phases of construction.

Cordova 2: brickwork ongoing
And the below pictures are showing different parts of the house:

Cordova 2: Living Area from Alfresco Door

Cordova 2: Living Area

Cordova 2: Corridor Entrance
Cordova 2: Home Theatre

Cordova 2 Mastersuite

Cordova 2: Ensuite
The roof is still not up, but I do hope the house will feel this much airy because of the windows.
Here are the graphic images attached again:

Apart from Tuesday, it should not be raining this week. Hope the brickwork will be finished by the end of this week.